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Four Ways to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

When it comes to getting ready for a new stage of life, parents know that it can be difficult and even a little scary to young children. Whether it’s facing something that’s new and completely unknown or it’s learning that they’ll have to be away from home and familiar people, preschool can seem intimidating to small children. However, there are steps you can take to make the transition easier for your little one, and at Little Newtons, we’re here to help make preschool fun, engaging, and focused on learning!

Start A School-Like Schedule

One of the first things that you can do to help your child get ready for preschool is to start transitioning them to a schedule that’s similar to what preschool will provide them. From getting up and getting ready in the morning to eating snacks or lunch at the same time every day, creating a familiar routine that can be translated into preschool will help to ease the transition.

Get Them Excited

Children tend to thrive when they make positive associations, especially with big changes in their life. If you make getting ready for preschool fun and engaging, they’ll be more likely to look forward to it and adapt easier! Try picking out a backpack and supplies together, and then packing it together to get them excited.

Let Them Know What To Expect

Of course, knowing what to expect can go a long way for young children. Whether it’s answering their questions, telling them about experiences you remember from school, or even allowing your child to come see our facility, helping them understand the world they’ll be entering will go a long way!

Enroll in Little Newtons Early!

Of course, another great way to prepare your child is to enroll in Little Newtons programs before preschool! We offer child care curriculums for infants and toddlers, and when they’re with us, we’re focused on preparing them for the next stage of their development, too.
Getting your little one ready for preschool can be daunting, but with the help of Little Newtons, the transition can be easier than you’d expect! Learn more about our child care, early education, and preschool programs online to get started with enrollment!

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